Le pouillot siffleur vit dans les forêts mixtes de feuillus d’âge moyen et matures. À intervalles irréguliers, les arbres de ces forêts produisent des quantités énormes de graines. Ces flots de ressources ont une influence sur de nombreuses espèces animales. Ce projet de recherche examine les interactions entre les oiseaux nichant au sol comme le pouillot siffleur, les rongeurs qui vivent dans la forêt (souris), leurs prédateurs et d’autres facteurs environnementaux. Il vise à déterminer les raisons des fortes fluctuations annuelles des populations de cette espèce qui figure sur la liste rouge en Suisse et dans d’autres pays d’Europe.
Écologie des populations du pouillot siffleur
Installation, prédation sur les nids et fluctuations des effectifs dans un environnement imprévisible
Recherche écologique
Ecologie de la dispersion, Ecologie
Début du projet
Statut du projet
en cours
Responsable de projet
Gilberto Pasinelli
Région concernée
Bâle-Campagne, Jura, Soleure, Europe
Partenaires du projet
- Nina Farwig, Conservation Ecology, Universität Marburg
- Christian Ginzler, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL
- Grzegorz Neubauer, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Polen
- Michael Riess et Pablo Stelbrink, Bioplan, Marburg
- Malcolm Burgess, RSPB, Centre for Conservation Science, Sandy, Bedfordshire, UK
- Marta Maziarz, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, PL
- John W. Mallord, RSPB, Centre for Conservation Science, Sandy, Bedfordshire, UK
It's about her: Male within-season movements are related to mate searching in a songbird
Luepold, Shannon Buckley; Korner-Nievergelt, Fränzi; Züst, Zephyr; Pasinelli, Gilberto (2024)
Habitat detection, habitat choice copying or mating benefits: What drives conspecific attraction in a nomadic songbird?
Luepold, Shannon Buckley; Kokko, Hanna; Grendelmeier, Alex; Pasinelli, Gilberto (2023)
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Wood warbler population dynamics in response to mast seeding regimes in Europe
Maag, Nino; Korner-Nievergelt, Fränzi; Szymkowiak, Jakub; Hałas, Natalia; Maziarz, Marta; Neubauer, Grzegorz; Luepold, Shannon Buckley; Carlotti, Sandro; Schaub, Michael; Flade, Martin; Scherrer, D... (2023)
Breeding behavior of the Wood Warbler in relation to the social environment
Luepold, Shannon Buckley (2022)
Reproductive success of the wood warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix varies across Europe
Maag, Nino; Burgess, Malcolm D.; Maziarz, Marta; Lüpold, Shannon; Mallord, John W.; Broughton, Richard K.; Cristinacce, Andrew; Arlettaz, Raphaël; Carlotti, Sandro; Castello, Joan; Davis, Tony; Ger... (2022)
Accounting for predator species identity reveals variable relationships between nest predation rate and habitat in a temperate forest songbird
Maag, Nino; Mallord, John W.; Burgess, Malcolm D.; Lüpold, Shannon; Cristinacce, Andrew; Arlettaz, Raphaël; Carlotti, Sandro; Davis, Tony M.; Grendelmeier, Alex; Orsman, Christopher J.; Riess, Mich... (2022)
Settlement behaviour and reproduction success of the wood warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix) in relation to visual and auditory proxies of predation risk
Riess, Michael (2021)
Von Waldlaubsänger, Baumsamen, Mäusen und Räubern
Grendelmeier, Alex; Pasinelli, Gilberto (2020)
Trophic consequences of mast seeding for avian and mammalian seed and non-seed consumers in European temperate forests
Grendelmeier, Alex; Flade, Martin; Pasinelli, Gilberto (2019)
Patterns of predator behaviour and Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix nest survival in a primaeval forest
Maziarz, Marta; Grendelmeier, Alex; Wesołowski, Tomasz; Arlettaz, Raphaël; Broughton, Richard K.; Pasinelli, Gilberto (2019)
Does acoustically simulated predation risk affect settlement and reproduction of a migratory passerine?
Stelbrink, Pablo; Grendelmeier, Alex; Schabo, Dana; Arlettaz, Raphaël; Hillig, Franziska; Pasinelli, Gilberto; Wright, Jon (2019)
Nest site characteristics and nest survival of three sympatric Phylloscopus Warblers in the Swiss Jura
Züst, Zephyr (2019)
Experimentally provided conspecific cues boost bird territory density but not breeding performance
Grendelmeier, Alex; Arlettaz, Raphaël; Olano-Marin, Juanita; Pasinelli, Gilberto (2017)
Using remote-sensing data to assess habitat selection of a declining passerine at two spatial scales
Huber, Nica; Kienast, Felix; Ginzler, Christian; Pasinelli, Gilberto (2016)
Rodent-avoidance, topography and forest structure shape territory selection of a forest bird
Pasinelli, Gilberto; Grendelmeier, Alex; Gerber, Michael; Arlettaz, Raphaël (2016)
Reproductive performance of a declining forest passerine in relation to environmental and social factors: implications for species conservation
Grendelmeier, Alex; Arlettaz, Raphaël; Gerber, Michael; Pasinelli, Gilberto (2015)
A multi-isotope (δ2 H, δ13 C, δ15 N) approach to establishing migratory connectivity in Palearctic-Afrotropical migrants: an Example using Wood Warblers Phylloscopus sibilatrix
Hobson, Keith A.; van Wilgenburg, Steven L.; Wesołowski, Tomasz; Maziarz, Marta; Bijlsma, Rob G.; Grendelmeier, Alex; Mallord, John W. (2014)
Collaboratrices et collaborateurs
Publications spécialisées
Topography and wind moulding directions of autumn migration between
Europe and the West African savannas Bruderer, B. & D. Peter, 2022
Europe and the West African savannas Bruderer, B. & D. Peter, 2022
Further information: J Ornithol 163: 357–371
Contact: info@vogelwarte.ch
License: zenodo-freetoread-1.0
doi-Link: doi.org
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Contact: info@vogelwarte.ch
License: zenodo-freetoread-1.0
doi-Link: doi.org
Flugverhalten von Nachtziehern über dem Schweizer Mittelland und den Alpen im Vergleich
Bruderer, B., D. Peter & P. Korner, 2022
Further information: Der Ornithologische Beobachter 119: 212–231
Contact: bruno.bruderer@vogelwarte.ch
Contact: bruno.bruderer@vogelwarte.ch
Bruderer, B. & D. Peter, 2022
Further information: J Ornithol 163: 357–371
Contact: info@vogelwarte.ch
License: zenodo-freetoread-1.0
doi-Link: doi.org
PDF Download
Contact: info@vogelwarte.ch
License: zenodo-freetoread-1.0
doi-Link: doi.org
Bruderer, B., D. Peter & P. Korner, 2022
Further information: Der Ornithologische Beobachter 119: 212–231
Contact: bruno.bruderer@vogelwarte.ch
Contact: bruno.bruderer@vogelwarte.ch
Espèces concernées
Recherche écologique
Nous étudions les multiples interactions des oiseaux avec leur environnement, du comportement d’installation individuel aux communautés d’espèces.