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Species promotion – Eurasian Wryneck

Structurally rich, extensive habitats for the ant lover

The Eurasian Wryneck inhabits various semi-open landscapes such as vineyards, high-trunk orchards, sparse forests and even low-trunk orchards. One characteristic feature is always a high density of ant nests that are easily accessible due to low vegetation height or sparse ground cover, as well as a large supply of breeding cavities. Although the species shows a slightly positive population trend, in many parts of the country it only occurs in low densities or in irregularly occupied single territories.

Together with BirdLife Switzerland, the Swiss Ornithological Institute supports and advises numerous local promotion projects throughout Switzerland.

Bereich Förderung
Unit Species Recovery
Thema Species Recovery, Habitat Promotion
Lebensraum semi-open farmland, settlements, forest, meadows and pastures
Projektstart 2014
Projektstatus laufend
Projektleitung Michael Lanz
Projektregion Aargau, Basel Land, Bern, Fribourg, Geneva, Grisons, Lucerne, Neuchâtel, Nidwalden, St Gallen, Schaffhausen, Solothurn, Ticino, Thurgau, Vaud, Valais, Zug, Zurich



Financial support

  • Ernst Göhner Stiftung
  • Stotzer-Kästli-Stiftung
  • Stiftung Yvonne Jacob
  • Ella und J. Paul Schnorf Stiftung
  • Rudolf und Romilda Kägi-Stiftung



Species concerned

Other resources
Newsletter Wiedehopf-Wendehals (in German)
Wendehalsförderung – auch ohne Hochstämmer? (in German)
Download PDF
Vögel brauchen lückige Vegetation zur Nahrungssuche (in German)
Species Recovery link

Species Recovery

Wildlife conservation coordinates the development, improvement and dissemination of measures in favour of priority bird species that cannot be helped by habitat protection alone. Together with BirdLife Switzerland and the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), the department also coordinates the “Species Recovery for Swiss Birds” programme.

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