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© Markus Jenny
Upswing for Birds

A partnership program to help support birds

Together with partners, we carry out projects to enhance and secure habitats throughout Switzerland in the long term.

Birds need space!

Birds need habitats of sufficient quantity and quality in order to thrive. This is the focus of our new framework program “Upswing for birds”.  Together with various partners, we carry out projects throughout Switzerland to improve habitats and ensure their availability in the long term.

What is it all about?

We provide more habitat for birds

The Swiss Breeding Bird Atlas 2013-2016 clearly showed that many native bird species with somewhat stricter habitat requirements are continuing to decline. The Swiss Ornithological Institute has therefore formulated a list of “11 priority measures”. Creating and providing more habitats for birds is one of the key concerns.

The situation is dire

40% of breeding birds are under threat!

Habitat loss and fragmentation are particularly serious threats to birdlife, as these processes deprive many species of what they need to survive.

Human activities are exerting ever-increasing pressure on all types of land in Switzerland. Consequently, nature is being destroyed daily, and as a result, breeding bird populations are dwindling. Not only birds, but biodiversity in general need more space. Preserving existing protected areas is no longer enough, as they are threatened by the expansion of urbanized areas and infrastructure projects, or are negatively impacted by the neighbouring, intensively used landscape (facing threats such as fertilisers, air pollutants, etc.). There is therefore an urgent need to create and shape new biodiversity-friendly habitats – habitats that us humans deliberately give back to wildlife.

Of the approximately 200 species of breeding birds in Switzerland, more than half are endangered and listed on the Red List of Breeding Birds, which is compiled according to IUCN criteria, or potentially endangered.

Kreisdiagramm Bedrohung Brutvogelarten

​​​​​​ least concern (LC)​​​​​​ near threatened (NT)
​​​​​​ vulnerable (VU)​​​​​​ endangered (EN)
​​​​​​critically endangered (CR)​​​​​​ extinct in Switzerland (RE)


We are looking for partnerships to give the world of birds a new upswing

We can help reverse the trend. The Swiss Ornithological Institute is keen to share its expertise and is now looking for partners to implement large-scale projects across the country. Together, we can mark the beginning of an upswing for birds.

We invite all those who own land in Switzerland or decide on its long-term use to get involved and participate in our program. Cantons, municipalities, associations, foundations, owners of private land, farmers: you can make a contribution. In return, we provide technical and financial support for the selected projects from their conception to their completion and beyond by supporting their maintenance and monitoring their effects. Our main criteria are the following:

Large area
at least 3 ha (30 000 m²)

Long-term guarantee
at least 6 years

Added value for birds
With defined target species and an impact monitoring program

Our program focuses on implementing conservation measures in various natural habitats. The main goal is to restore the landscape’s attractiveness to birds so that their basic needs can be met. Specific measures are designed based on habitat type. Their implementation is then followed by carefully planned, nature-friendly maintenance that is guaranteed over the long term.

Although these are essential tasks for nature conservation, nest box campaigns, awareness-raising and environmental education projects as well as the development of landscape concepts are, amongst others, not supported by our program.

We are here for you

© Markus Jenny

Become a partner now!

Please contact us by filling in the form or send your project file directly to

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A variety of projects with a variety of partners

A selection of the projects we have completed in collaboration with our partners. New projects are added on a regular basis.



Download the “Upswing for birds” project flyer in PDF format (in German).

Petra Horch

Help the birds of Switzerland.
Your support allows us to monitor stocks, identify problems, develop solutions and provide assistance to endangered species.
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We handle the donations entrusted to us very carefully. For many years, the Swiss Ornithological Institute has carried the ZEWO seal of approval for non-profit institutions.