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Birds and model airfields

Siting of new model airfields

Sensitive bird species can be disturbed by the use of model aircraft, potentially resulting in impaired reproduction or abandonment of suitable habitats. The Swiss Ornithological Institute, together with the Swiss Model Aviation Association SMV and in consultation with the Swiss Association for the Protection of Birds SVS/BirdLife Switzerland, has drawn up recommendations for the siting of new model airfields in order to defuse conflicts between model aviation and birds. The recommendations are addressed to licensing authorities, stakeholders in model aviation and representatives of nature conservation and bird protection.

Bereich Förderung
Unit Bird-Human Conflicts
Thema Birds and Human Beings
Lebensraum farmland, rocky terrain, wetlands, rivers & streams, semi-open farmland, alpine habitats, wasteland, settlements, forest, meadows and pastures
Projektstart 2007
Projektstatus abgeschlossen
Projektleitung Daniela Heynen
Projektregion Switzerland


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Empfehlungen zur Standortevaluation von neuen Modellflugplätzen in Bezug auf Natur- und Landschaftsschutz, Natur- und Vogelschutz, Säugetierschutz und Jagd (in German)
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Bird-Human Conflicts

We provide information and advice to private individuals, authorities and specialist bodies on bird-friendly solutions when it comes to the coexistence of birds and humans – an area that is not always without conflict.

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