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Habitat network system Wauwil Plain

Ecological enhancement and networking of habitats on Wauwil Plain

The natural benefits of Wauwil Plain have always been strongly influenced by man. The former lake was drained, the peat layers were largely removed and the reclaimed cultivated land has since been subjected to intense agricultural use. Today, Wauwil Plain is the largest undeveloped agricultural landscape section in the Lucerne Midlands. Since 1995, the area has been ecologically enhanced under the expert supervision of the Swiss Ornithological Institute. Thanks to these efforts, typical cultivated land species have been able to survive on Wauwil Plain, in some cases now finding their last retreats.

Bereich Förderung
Unit Agricultural Habitats
Thema Species Recovery, Population Development, Habitat Promotion
Lebensraum farmland, wetlands, semi-open farmland, meadows and pastures
Projektstart 1995
Projektstatus laufend
Projektleitung Simon Hohl
Projektregion Lucerne



  • Farmers on the Wauwil plain
  • Surrounding communities
  • lawa Luzern
  • Local nature and bird protection associations



Species concerned

Common Snipe
Common Linnet
Common Whitethroat
Great Reed-warbler
Eurasian Skylark
Common Grasshopper-warbler
Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Garden Warbler
Common Redstart
Corn Bunting
Northern Lapwing
Common Cuckoo
Red-backed Shrike
Great Grey Shrike
Reed Bunting
Savi’s Warbler
Common Barn-owl
Little Owl
European Goldfinch
Marsh Warbler
Common Reed-warbler
Common Kestrel
Common Quail
White Stork
Common Little Bittern
Agricultural habitats link

Agricultural habitats

We promote wildlife-friendly agriculture with more high-quality and better-connected habitats, fewer artificial fertilisers and fewer pesticides.

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