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Spatial prioritisation of areas for species recovery

Development of high-resolution maps for targeted protection measures

The recovery and protection of endangered bird species usually raises the key question: what should ideally be done where and for which species? In this practically oriented project being run by the Swiss Ornithological Institute, urgently needed basic information is being compiled in the form of spatially precise maps. In future, these will be used to support decision-making in the spatial prioritisation of efficient protection and recovery measures.

Domain Research
Unit Applied research
Topic Species Recovery, Habitat Promotion
Habitat semi-open farmland, forest, meadows and pastures
Project start 2023
Project status ongoing
Project management Urs Kormann
Project region Switzerland


Project objectives

In connection with this project, we are developing a uniform and reproducible approach to spatial prioritisation based on the latest scientific findings and high-resolution spatial data.

The maps created can be used to answer questions such as the following:

  • Which areas are particularly important for a species?
  • Which areas are suitable for enhancing habitat quality?
  • Where should networking be improved?
  • Where are there conflicts between the habitat requirements of different species or between the habitat requirements of a species and land use?


The first step we are taking is to develop two pilot projects: “Spatial prioritisation – Whinchat” and “Spatial prioritisation – Forest” with the species Western Capercaillie, Hazel Grouse, Wood Warbler and Eurasian Woodcock.

Here we are testing which methods and data we can use to create high-resolution maps for Switzerland. We are also assessing how effective these maps when used in practice and how we can optimise them for this purpose.

Building on the pilot projects, our aim is to apply the approach developed to other endangered species.

Project partner(s)


Species concerned

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Applied research

We close conservation-relevant ecological knowledge gaps and test tools to promote avian species and communities of conservation concern.

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