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Pasture on the rocky steppe in the Pfyn-Finges nature park, VS

A sustainable grazing system to maintain an open steppe landscape

The rocky steppe in the Leuk region is a unique ecosystem that owes its reputation to its particularly rich biodiversity of flora and fauna. Since 2012, its grazing has been coordinated by the Pfyn-Finges Nature Park with the expert assistance of the Swiss Ornithological Institute.

Bereich Förderung
Unit Upswing for Birds
Thema Species Recovery, Habitat Promotion
Lebensraum rocky terrain, wasteland, meadows and pastures
Projektstart 2020
Projektende 2028
Projektstatus laufend
Projektleitung Julia Wildi
Projektregion Valais


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Beitrag N+L Inside 3/22 (in German)
Avinews 04/23 (in German)
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Upswing for Birds

Together with partners, we carry out projects to enhance and secure habitats throughout Switzerland in the long term.

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