PhD students
2023-2026 Anne-Caroline Heintz, University of Lausanne: Joint supervision with Pierre Bize, Swiss Ornithological Institute. Title: Effects of artificial light at night on the biology of a nocturnal bird of prey, the barn owl.
2020-2024 Sabnam Mahat: Supervisor Adrien Méstrot, University of Berne, Co-supervisor Bettina Almasi. Titel: Bioaccumulation of mercury in the food chain of barn owls.
2018-2023 Roman Bühler, University of Lausanne. Title: The non-breeding period of the Western barn owl (Tyto alba): Habitat selection, activity patterns and fitness.
MSc students
2023-2024 Maxime Freyberger, University of Namur, Belgium, Joint supervision with Pierre Bize, Swiss Ornithological Institute. How does artificial light at night influence the behaviour and distribution of barn owl (Tyto alba) prey?
2022-2023 Roman Sager, University of Zürich: Habitat and beyond: A multifactorial analysis of post-fledging survival in barn owls (Tyto alba).
2022-2023 Rebecca Rau, BOKU Vienna: timing of fledging and post-fledging survival parobability in barn owls (Tyto alba).
2021-2022 Franziska Wolf, University of Zürich: The post-fledging period in barn owls (Tyto alba): timing, body mass development and survival.
2020-2021 Nathan Gellé, University of Lausanne: Influence of winter habitat composition on pre-breeding weight development and its effect on reproducttive success in the barn owl.
2017 Patricia Burri, Edinburgh Napier University: Dies perch availabilöity affect home-range exploitation and hunting efficiency in the barn owl (Tyto alba) in western Switzerland?
2011-2012 Joy Reding, University of Zürich, Mate choice in the Grey partidfe Perdix perdix: Effects of genotype, environment and hormones.
- Bayesian Data Analyses Using Linear Models with R and jags
- Introduction to statistics with R
- Own data workshops
Animal welfare:
- Modul 20 Wild birds, University of Zürich
- Wild animals, Birds, ReSAL, University of Lausanne
Finished projects
2004 – 2010 Auswirkungen von Stress auf die Fitness von Vögeln (25103)
2009 – 2022 Carry-Over Effekte von elterlichem Stress (25106)