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Applied aeroecology research

Mitigation of conflicts between (migratory) birds and tall human-made structures

Birds are prone to collisions with tall human-made structures like e.g. wind turbines. We provide our expertise and consultancy mainly in radar ornithology to elaborate evidence-based impact assessments and scientific reports for applied research questions concerning mitigation of conflicts between (migratory) birds and tall human-made structures. Most projects are publicly financed and are currently focused on collisions of birds at onshore windfarms (anti-collision systems) and bird migration over sea related to offshore wind farms in France.

Bereich Forschung
Ressort Bird Migration
Thema Birds and Human Beings, Ecology, Migratory Birds
Lebensraum alpine habitats, farmland, forest, meadows and pastures, rivers & streams, rocky terrain, semi-open farmland, settlements, wasteland, wetlands
Projektstart 2010
Projektstatus laufend
Projektleitung Janine Aschwanden
Projektregion Europe



Contribution to an evidence-based and effective mitigation of conflicts between (migratory) birds and tall human-made structures.


With our expertise, we conduct applied research and provide consultancy to elaborate evidence-based impact assessments and scientific reports for the mitigation of conflicts between birds and tall human-made structures. Our main methodological approach is radar ornithology (small scale radar, weather radar but other methods are also chosen depending on the research question (e.g. GPS-telemetry, laser-range finder observations).


Birds are prone to collisions with tall human-made structures like wind turbines. Before construction, studies are necessary to assess the possible impact on birds. After construction, mitigation measures might be useful to minimize conflicts. For an efficient protection of birds, impact studies or assessments must be evidence-based, and mitigation measures effective. In many cases, radar technology is the only way to provide substantiated bird movement data and often, there is a lack of knowledge about the effectiveness of mitigation measures.


Up to now, based on contracts, numerous radar studies were carried out in Switzerland and abroad to assess the possible impact of tall human-made structures (bridges, wind farms) on birds or to investigate applied research questions in terms of collision mitigation.

Weitere Informationen

Presently, we contribute to the mapping of migratory movements at the French Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic costal zones. Using BirdScan MR1 at the coast allow to quantify the movements directed towards / from the sea. These efforts not only aim to mitigate the impact of the development of offshore wind farms, but also provide new insights on bird migratory behaviour at natural barriers (sea).


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Studie zum Zusammenhang zwischen Vogelzugintensität und Anzahl Kollisionsopfern an Windenergieanlagen (in German)
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Untersuchung zur Effektivität der Fledermaus- und Vogeldetektion bei Windturbinen (in German)
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Projektberichte (in German)
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Projektbericht (in German)
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Bird Migration

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