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Species promotion – European Nightjar

Sparse grasslands and forests for the European Nightjar

The European Nightjar is a discrete and cryptic bird. Its virtually undetectable camouflage and the fact that it inhabits hard-to-access areas make this mysterious long-distance traveller very enigmatic. Its disappearance from the majority of nesting sites outside of Valais and Ticino raises questions about the use of the habitat by this species and the measures that could be taken to protect it.

Domain Conservation
Unit Species Recovery
Topic Species Recovery, Habitat Promotion, Ecology
Habitat forest, meadows and pastures
Project start 2003
Project status ongoing
Project management Jean-Nicolas Pradervand
Project region Valais


Project partner(s)



Species concerned

Other resources
Ziegenmelker: Der Tarnungskünstler braucht unsere Hilfe (in German)
external link
Dans la forêt incendiée, à la recherche du mythique engoulevent (in French)
Podcast l'engoulevent d’Europe (in French)
Species Recovery link

Species Recovery

Wildlife conservation coordinates the development, improvement and dissemination of measures in favour of priority bird species that cannot be helped by habitat protection alone. Together with BirdLife Switzerland and the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), the department also coordinates the “Species Recovery for Swiss Birds” programme.

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