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Species promotion – Middle Spotted Woodpecker

Protection and promotion of a habitat specialist

In Switzerland, the Middle Spotted Woodpecker inhabits old oak forests and forests rich in deadwood with old coarse-barked deciduous trees. Its population has developed positively since the early 2000s. In order to conserve this habitat specialist in Switzerland in the long term, specific promotion measures in its habitat continue to be important in cooperation with various stakeholders.

Bereich Förderung
Unit Forest Habitats
Thema Species Recovery, Habitat Promotion
Lebensraum forest
Projektstart 2008
Projektstatus laufend
Projektleitung Gilberto Pasinelli
Projektregion Switzerland





Species concerned

Bird species
Middle Spotted Woodpecker
The Middle Spotted Woodpecker is a habitat specialist which, in Switzerland, mainly inhabits former coppices with large numbers of old oaks. In the long term, it will only be able to survive if extensive forests with oaks as the main tree species persist. Unlike other woodpeckers, the Middle Spot...
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Other resources
Hochstimmung beim Mittelspecht (in German)
Forest habitats link

Forest habitats

Our Forest team is committed to preserving and promoting Switzerland’s forest habitats for birds. We focus on training and continuing education in forestry, ensure knowledge is transferred into practice and contribute to reducing the deficits of waste wood and dead wood as well as species-specific, special and rare habitats through specific funding projects and land conservation in forests.

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